Saturday, May 11, 2013

Itsy Bitsy Spider, Fruit Salad and Giggles!

Cohen singing itsy bitsy spider and then some other song (the babnana nana nana part)...I had no idea what he wanted me to sing so I asked his teacher and she sang the song for me.

Once I knew what song it was and was able to sing it with him, he started to sing it over and over. It goes Watermelon, watermelon, papaya, papaya, banana nana nana, banana nana nana, fruit salad, fruit salad in the tune of "Are you sleeping" I didn't catch the beginning of the song in the video below but its the best I've gotten so far!

Also at daycare in the mornings during their circle time each child will take a turn dancing as they sing, "get up and dance, Cohen, get up and dance!" Today while we were out shopping, Cohen wanted me to sing that so he could dance, because apparently you can't dance if no one is singing that song. ;) Anyway, I was singing it, while I was holding Kemp and Kemp started hysterically laughing. I thought he was crying at first! Cohen absolutely loved it and was so proud that he was making Kemp laugh and thought the fact that Kempton was laughing at him was pretty funny too! Here's a quick video...not the best video, but you'll still be able to see the cuteness!

Here's another video I took when we were home this evening :)
