Sunday, October 17, 2010

Vikings Game!

Last Monday we went to the Vikings and Jets game in New York/New Jersey! They actually play in New Jersey even though they are a New York team.  We could see Manhattan from the stadium though.  I think Dan was itchin' for some New York pizza! Anyway, Dan really wanted to go to the game. I wanted to go too, but seeing as I cannot stay awake past 10 I knew it would be difficult. Even though it may have not been the smartest idea, we bought the tickets and decided to go. Dan bought the tickets on Stub Hub and the tickets were sent overnight via FedEx. They "arrived" on his birthday. They were supposedly slipped under our door. Well, we knew that they do not go to people's individual apartments to deliver things, they always leave it at the front desk. The package was no where to be found. He was so upset! There wasn't really anything we could do that night. On Friday, Dan talked to people from FedEx and Stub Hub and things weren't looking good. So I called our apartment complex. I knew people were entering apartments to spray for bedbugs (eww) so I thought I would check to see if anyone had been in our apartment.  It just so happens that the person I talked to saw the package! It was delivered to the front desk of the wrong building. I told them to hold it and that we were coming to get it! We picked up the package and good thing I called when they did. They had written "return to sender" on the package. We got the tickets...woofda! I love how the FedEx guy delivered it to the wrong building and then lied about it! Always go with UPS!! :)

Anyway, back to the game! We got there early to check out the stadium. We stopped to do a taste test for the new diet mountain dew flavor. None of them were very good!

Here is a picture of us waiting to get into the stadium. My jersey still fits for now. Not sure if it will went the Vikings come here at the end of November! The stadium was nice, but the food was not very good. It was like the same things all around the stadium.  It was kind of disappointing. I got a hot dog and some crinkle cut fries and Dan didn't get anything! You know it's kind of bad when Dan doesn't get anything to eat at all! 

Here are some pictures of the players warming up...

It was fun watching them warm up until the rain came.  Our seats were under an overhang so we didn't get wet during the game. It was just frustrating that the game was delayed! The game was a lot of fun and I'm glad that we went. The second half was much more fun than the first half! It would have been a little better if they won! Oh well! Here is a picture from during the game.

After the game Dan had a 3 1/2 hour drive back to our place. He did such a good job. I slept the entire way once we got out of the stadium area. We got home around 4:30am. He took a two hour nap and went to work the next day at 8am. Such a trooper. I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday, so I got to sleep in an extra 45 minutes.

Thank you to my wonderful husband for a great weekend!!


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