Monday, May 16, 2011

Nearly 5 Months!

Cohen is getting so big and growing up so fast! He will be 5 months old this weekend. It kind of breaks our hearts sometimes that no one really gets to see him. He is such a joy to be around and an absolute blessing. I love our little family, but just wish that we had more family around....we always welcome visitors! Anyway....

Cohen's second tooth is coming in! We saw it poking through on Friday (5/13). He's been a trooper through it. The rice cereal still isn't going so well, but we'll keep on trying. He threw an absolute fit when we tried to give him some the other day. He doesn't have to have it yet, so we'll be patient with it! He still gets up in the middle of the night to eat, but then usually goes right back to bed after. We have developed a sleep routine, and Cohen does a great job of putting himself to sleep, both at night and for naps. Cohen enjoys playing in the bathtub now. He likes to sit up (with my help) and play with his toys.

We went to the mall the other day and Cohen love playing with another baby. They both were hilarious. They kept laughing and smiling at each other. Coincidentally, the baby was wearing the exact same thing as Cohen...yes, Cohen has discovered the joy of a mirror. He seriously was giggling hysterically at himself while we were in a store. Silly, silly kid.

Cohen loves going for walks in the baby carrier and for some reason it just exhausts him. I'm pretty sure that it is Dan and I that is doing all the work! Anyway, not much else is new around here.  Just working, enjoying the little bit of nice weather that we have had and hanging out with the little guy. We have a busy couple of weekends coming up, which should be fun!

Anyone want to come visit me?

Dad and Cohen

Cohen and Mom

He still loves playing with Scout

He always drinks his bottles with his one arm in the air like this.

He wrapped his little toes around Dad's string, but then kept trying to eat the string.. Every time he would put the string to his mouth his foot would go up.  I think he got a bit confused

 So grown up!

Lovin' my jumper

Our attempt at a family picture! So sad that we hardly have any! :( Cohen was ready for this one, too bad I cut off Dan's head and well it's just not a very good picture, but Cohen looks so happy!

Brushing my teeth

Cohen and Mom!

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