Sunday, December 11, 2011

Oh Really?

A little weekend recap for y'all. Saturday started out with swim lessons. Cohen did pretty well and we signed him up for another 5- week session. Then we were lucky enough to take a trip to the eye place so Dan could get some new glasses. So exciting, I know. I only tell you this to tell you about Cohen. The kid is just full of energy. He is running around the store. Trying to bang on the case full of glasses. Running into random people. Opening drawers that should be locked! He does not want to be held. He is just all over the place. I wonder if other kids are like this?? I love my husband. Absolutely love him, but he is a bit on the slow side, especially when it comes to shopping and especially when it comes to shopping for glasses. Needless to say, it was a long, stressful venture. And we still have to go back's a long story, but I think he picked out a pair he likes.

Then we went to a store called Buy Buy Baby. It was our first time there. It is like Bed, Bath and Beyond but for babies and kind of like Babies R Us. We just got some birthday presents for Cohen. I always get overwhelmed when picking out toys for him. There are so many choices! And when the kid likes playing with Ziploc bags, wrapping paper, boxes and umbrellas as much as the rest of his toys, well you just tough to decide on what he could like more than those things. :)

And then we were finally headed home. Hungry and Exhausted. We were about to get on the Beltway to go home when Dan realized if we kept going straight we would be on our way to Georgetown Cupcakes. don't have to twist my arm. They have a lot of different cupcakes for the Holiday season so we were pretty excited.

Don't they look yummy!? Top Row ( left to right): Chocolate Eggnog, White Chocolate Peppermint and Chocolate Peppermint.  Bottom Row (Left to Right): Gingerbread, Santa's Chocolate Chip and another Gingerbread.

The Gingerbread one was my favorite! Yum Yum! And Dan even got me a White Chocolate Mocha to drink.

Today we went to have Cohen's "one year" pictures taken at JCPenney. (I didn't realize it was spelled like that until Dan pointed it out! Anyway...) Cohen was tired and didn't do very well. The pictures didn't turn out like I had envisioned, but we still got a few good ones.

Then we did a little shopping, ate a little lunch and headed home. Then we played and rearranged our place so we could put up our Christmas tree (still working on that!).

Cohen has been learning so much, and I feel like he did awesome this weekend. He is working on using a spoon....

But realizing it is easier to just grab it with your hand.

 He has learned how to turn his bib into cape, and is learning how to fly (ok maybe not, but it wouldn't surprise me!)

 He can make a mess and clean it up if he wants to. He took out the ziploc baggies and then put them by one...into the drawer.

He has learned figured out how to make "fart" sounds by using his hand and mouth. We didn't teach him this. It was rather embarrassing, but funny, the first time he did it when we were walking around the mall.

He can say, "Oh Really." He says it pretty clearly, but just in case you miss it he says it around the 11 second mark. This one, of course, took us by surprise.

He has learned to kick a ball! I will take credit for teaching him this one.  I would hold him and swing his leg to have him kick it. It thought it was pretty funny, and now he'll walk up to the ball and kick it. He still picks it up and throws it, which he is getting better at as well.

And the last video is just a short one of him playing on the Christmas tree box. Cohen would climb on it, and then sit on the edge so it would tip over a little and he could get down. Kind of smart, don't you think?

He then thought it would be fun to stand up on the box...eeek!

This kid is fearless.

He has also learned how to sign "more", which I think he actually understands. He is growing up so fast, but I'm loving every second of it...even when he is a handful at the eye place.


1 comment:

  1. You are raising a genius! What an adorable boy, he is getting so big! I cant believe the 'oh really'! Josh and I were watching the video and we couldnt get over it!

    We miss you guys! Cant wait to hangout when you're home!!!!!!!!!!!

    By the way, those cupcakes look AMAZING!!!
