Monday, March 4, 2013

Kempton- 2 Months

Time is flying by!! Mr. Kempton is already 2 months old. So crazy! Here's a little about him!

We just had his 2 month check up today.

Height: 23 inches (50th Percentile)
Weight: 11lbs 14oz (50th Percentile)
Head: 39 cm (50th Percentile) 

I guess he is right on track! :)

He is wearing Pampers size 1 diapers and 0-3 month or 3 month clothes. We'll move up to size 2 diapers once we run out of size 1.

He is a great sleeper at night. He usually goes to be around 8 or 9 and gets up to eat around 4 or 5 and then goes back to be until about 7 or 8. He's been pretty consistent for the last week. Hopefully it continues!

He sleeps really well in his crib and still likes to be swaddled. Sometimes he likes to sleep with one or both arms out of his swaddle. 

Right now he drinks 4 oz bottles every 3-4 hours during the day but we are thinking about kicking it up to 6 oz per feeding. He seems to be hungry after he finishes or wanting to eat again an hour later. Still trying to figure out his new schedule.

He loves to lay on his playmat and play with his toys that hang down. 

He coos and smiles, especially when I go to get him from his crib after he wakes up. It is just the sweetest! 

He also just likes to lay on a blanket and look around or watch his big brother!

Kemp likes baths and rarely fusses while in there. 

 He is a very content and calm baby for the most part! :)

Here are some (well, kind of a lot) of pictures!

 This is his favorite way to be held!

 Kemp fell asleep playing on his playmat!

 Cruisin' along!

 I went to get Kemp after his nap one day and found this ginormous booger on his nose! I know it is disgusting, but I thought it was pretty funny! How the heck does a booger that big fit in that little nose!?! And how does it get on the top of his nose? He must have learned the "arm-wiping" his nose technique from his brother already!

 I LOVE cuddling with Kempton in the evenings. I look down at him and this is what I see. So precious!

Lookin' so comfy on Daddy's lap

 Look at that belly...haha!

No more pictures, Mom!

Alright, is video!


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