Friday, November 8, 2013

Kempton- 10.25 months :)

Kempton is just over 10 months old! He has changed so much since the last update. Here's a little about Mr. Kempton!

Kempton is the sweetest, happiest baby. We received a call from daycare the other day...he didn't have a fever or anything, but he didn't really smile much during the day so they were concerned that something was wrong. :)

Kemp wears 9-12 month clothes and some 18 month shirts.

He gets the biggest smile on his face when he sees mom, dad and Cohen

Kemp still wakes up happy every morning and from naps!

He has 4 teeth. 2 on the bottom and 2 on top

He loves playing with cars and throwing balls, but will basically play with anything. He does also enjoy tearing apart paper towels and ripping apart any kind of paper....

 Kempton absolutely loves bath time. He would play in the bath for hours if we would let him. If Cohen is taking a bath Kemp will crawl into the bathroom and stand right at the tub
 He just discovered how to fill the cup up with water and dump it on himself, which he finds quite funny.

 There's a picture of his two top teeth!

 Kemp's favorite foods to eat are pancakes and toast

 He also loves putting things in buckets or tubs and then taking them all out. He loves taking  the clothes out of the laundry basket and his teachers at daycare says he likes taking out all the toys in the toybox :)

Kempton has discovered the stairs! Ahhh! He only climbed up a few and we were right there, but we'll have to block them off soon!

 Kempton loves playing with toys, especially anything that his big brother is playing with.

 Love this adorable picture of them playing trains together. :)

Kempton is also very good at stacking blocks! 

Some videos...Kempton was taking a couple steps the other night. This was the only video I got, but he did do better at other times. We're getting there! We love that he always smiles and claps whenever we get excited. He is such a happy baby!

Kempton absolutely LOVES his brother and I don't really think anyone can make him laugh like Cohen. And Cohen just loves Kemp too, which is so sweet! I am so grateful for them.

Here's a video of Kemp and Cohen playing basketball...Kemp with the assist! (and he's pretty excited about it!)


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