Saturday, February 1, 2014

Our Trip to New York City

Because Cohen's birthday is around the craziness of the holidays, we didn't really have a  party for him so I really wanted to make sure that he had a special birthday. We decided that since his birthday was on a Sunday we would drive 3.5 hours up to New York City for the weekend so he could shop at the toy stores there.

We left for NYC on Saturday morning. Cohen was ready to go in his brand new booster seat and new ninja turtle sais that he opened up the night before.

Cohen loved his new cup holders, though he rarely puts cups in them!

We got to our hotel around 11:30 or noon and were able to check into our hotel room. We got our stuff put away and got ready to head out into the city. Thankfully, it was abnormally warm the weekend we went. On Saturday it was in the 50s and in the 60s on Sunday!  The only downfall was that it was the weekend before Christmas and extremely busy!

Sais still in hand, Cohen hangs out while we figure out where we can find some food.

The first toy store we went to was FAO Schwarz.
Love this picture of the boys. I just wish I could see what their faces looked like! :)

Cohen was checking out the animals. I didn't realize this until I saw this picture on the way back home. He actually asked to go back to FAO Schwarz on Sunday to buy this very lion that he is holding.

By this time we were still hungry and had only found some snacks so we convinced Cohen that his ninja turtle, Donnie, needed to get pizza ;)

At least Kemp was excited!

Cohen ate a couple bites. Some days I wonder if he is really our child as he doesn't really like pizza!

Blurry...but love this little guy so much!

I think Donnie liked his pizza at least!

All smiles from this little trooper!

After pizza we headed to the Disney store!

After buying some toys and new jammies all Cohen wanted to do was go back to the hotel and play!

We made our way back to the hotel and Cohen fell asleep so we stopped to see the tree at Rockefeller Center lit up at night. We saw it during the day, but it looked much better at night! We snapped a few pictures and got out of there! It was soooo crowded, like Disney World after-the-fireworks-everyone-trying-to-get-out-of-the-park crowded but much less organized! :)

Kobe, Kemp and Dan

Dan found a Tim Horton's which is a coffee shop that he goes to in Michigan

Kempton was still in such a great mood!

Cohen still recharging his batteries until we got back to the hotel

Cohen was pretty excited to put on his new Ironman pjs

Kempton loved this little space in our hotel. He would just climb up in there and sit and then climb out and back in and out...

Cohen and I went to grab some dinner while Dan put Kempton to bed.

When we got back to the room Cohen yelled something really loud and woke up Kempton and Kemp would not go back to sleep. I ended up going for a walk with Kempton in the stroller to try to get him to go sleep. It didn't work, but he eventually fell alseep

Cohen woke up to find some special birthday treats and balloons!

Cohen with his "3" button! 3?! Wow!

Thankfully after we left our hotel we walked past the Kobe sign again so we could get another picture....Yay! (Sarcasm....)

On our way to Macy's to see Santa we stopped at the giant Toys R Us. It was practically empty which was so nice!

Kempton picked out a little sai while Cohen got a turtle shell and a Bo staff aka a stick. ;)

Love this picture!

It was A LOT more crowed later in the day!

We waited in line for about an hour and a half to see Santa at Macy's

You walk through Santaland to get to Santa.

Cohen did not want to see Santa and said that he already saw him at the mall!

Cohen was just in his own little world :)

Before we left we walked over to Central Park to see the ice skating rink. We thought about taking a carriage ride, but rain was coming so we figured we would do it some other time.

We headed back to the hotel to get our stuff to head back home! It was a fun couple days and hope that my little buddy had a great birthday! 


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