Sunday, March 2, 2014

Kempton: 14 Months

Kempton is 14 months old today!

He wears size 4 Pampers

He wears 12-24 month shirts and 12-18 month pants

He usually goes to bed around 8-8:30 and sleep until 6:30-7:30

He will usually nap once at daycare and then fall asleep on the way home. When we spend the day at home he will usually only take one nap

Kemp stopped using bottles this month! It is is so refreshing to not have to wash them :)

He likes to eat mostly anything. Right now he especially likes blueberries, oranges/clementines, green beans, pancakes, chicken nuggets, yogurt and crackers

Kemp has 4 teeth on top and 4 teeth on the bottom and a bottom molar coming through. 

He is so smart and learns things quickly. He especially loves to do anything that Cohen is doing. 

Kempton loves mickey mouse and and shows with music in them!

He still loves balloons and playing with trains, cars and balls

Kempton has made huge strides in his communication this month! He still likes to sign please, but will now also say mama, dada,  "mi" for milk, "mo" for more, yah,  nigh nigh, and  ba for ball and bye

Kemp loves blowing  kisses and waving bye-bye especially to his friend, Alice at daycare :)

Here are some pictures of our little buddy....
 Reaching for chocolate!

 Kemp signing please

 Big guys eating at their tables

 Kempton loves looking out the window!

 He still loves bath time. His favorite part is sitting in there while the water fills up. He will then take a cup and keep filling it up with the running water. 

 Eating at of his favorite places!

 I was walking back into the house one day, to look up and see this!

 Kempton loves walking everywhere now! This was from our trip to the zoo a couple weekends ago when we had some refreshing warmer weather!

 He is obviously drooling quite a bit... haha

 I went to check on Kemp after he laid down for the night and found him like this. :)

 Playing trains with Daddy

 Kempton wants to be independent and is pretty feisty if he wants something

 Kempton wanted to go upstairs the other day. Cohen opened the "gate" for him and Kempton turned around and walked away. I thought it was strange since he usually goes up there quickly as he can, but then I realized what he was doing. He had turned around to grab Ninja Turtle toys before heading up there! What a smart cookie!
 Cohen wanted some more snack the other day after he ate all of his. I told him to ask Kempton if he would share. So the above picture is when Cohen was asking him...
 ..and you can tell what Kemp's answer was! He is so sweet. Kempton is really good at sharing, but also thinks that everyone else should share as well, and if they don't then he'll make them share. ;)

 Kempton really loves his big brother!

 Kempton played in the snow for the first time this month!

 (this didn't last long!)
 I tried not to get him attached to a blanket, but he kept taken Cohen's so we bought him some. He  loves his blankies.

 Kemp still wakes up happy! He will barely make any noise in his crib and some times we won't even hear him but go in the room for something else and be shocked to see him standing there. Every time I walk into his room he will reach down, grab his blanket and hand it to me, then reach his arms out for me to pick him up. If I am lucky I will even get some extra cuddles like in the picture above. :)
 Watching some TV before heading to daycare. Earlier today Cohen was sitting on the floor like this but Cohen didn't want Kempton to sit by him. Cohen kept getting up and moving and Kemp kept following him. Eventually it be came a game and both of them were laughing hysterically.

Kempton is still a daddy's boy, but will prefer me for some things

 Wrestling with Cohen

 Trying to get up the stairs. Our "gate" doesn't really work but at least it slows him down a bit!

 Haha..a quick, off-center bad picture but he was so cute. I had to take it quickly because he was standing on a pack of paper towels which made me nervous!

 Listening to the book his cousins, Hannah and Tyson recorded for him. He loves it!
Still picking on Cohen! ;)

And some videos...

 Cohen smoochin' on Kempton, Kemp blowing kisses and then waving :)

 Dancing today while eating lunch (yes they are still in their jammies....oh well!)

Wresting with Cohen today

Kempton is an amazing little fella. We are so lucky to have such a sweet, funny, adorable little boy in our family. We love you, Kempton!

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