Saturday, June 23, 2012

18 Months

A year and a half!!! Wow!

Height: 33 inches (75th percentile)
Weight:  24lbs, 4oz (50th percentile).

I'm not sure of his official height and weight, but we'll find out when we go to his appointment next week.

He wears 18-24 month shirts and 18 month shorts/pants (though 18 month pants are still pretty big on him!)

Cohen loves to eat fruits and veggies! Lately he has been loving blueberries and asparagus. He ate 5 big pieces of asparagus last night. He probably would have eaten more if there was any left!

I cannot believe how much he says! He will repeat stuff after we say and sometimes will just say it on his own. Some new ones are, "Swimmin'!", "Let's go!" "Daddy,  are you?" (when he is looking for daddy!), "go?" (when he is looking for something), "Be back" (my mom taught him this! He says it and puts his finger up. Video below. She would tell him that she would be right back and he just picked it up!) and recently "Happy Birthday!" (video below)

He can identify and say the following characters: pooh, nemo, woody, bullseye and buzz ( we are preparing for our trip to Disneyworld!)

He loves going to the pool, which is perfect for us!

While still aren't pushing potty training yet, but I did have him sit on the potty before he took a bath last week and he went potty! We were cheering so loudly and then he started clapping. It hasn't happen again since, but it still exciting.

We are having trouble with him going to bed. Ever since he was 4 months old at bedtime or naptime we put him in his crib give him his blankie and he goes to bed. Well, suddenly when we did that he would just scream and frantically cry. So one night I just put him in our bed and laid there with him. Well, I guess one night was all it took to get him hooked! So we turned his crib  into a toddler bed, hoping he would like that, but he still won't go to bed in it. We won't let him go to sleep in our bed so he usually falls asleep on the floor next to his bed. And we still have to lay with him. Hopefully it gets better soon! The last two mornings I have been awaken by Cohen climbing into our's kind of sweet (even when it is 5:30am!)

He still loves wrestling with Daddy

Hanging out poolside (Lots of pictures to come of our trips to the pool in other posts)

Still loves carrying around his mouse

Loves sitting outside!

We went to Golden Corral the other day for breakfast and he loved it! Mom and Dad loved it too for him because it is a buffet and he is free so he got to try lots of stuff!

He loves standing on the balcony looking for buses, cars and puppies!

He found a puppy below!

He likes sitting on the balcony with dad and mom!

Cohen likes playing with his cars on the balcony too! He just loves being outside!

Again, I have LOTS of pictures at the pool that i need to post, but here are a couple of my big guy in the little pool. He was scared of it at first, but now will run around in it all by himself.

Almost sleeping in his big boy bed. We don't have a railing yet, but he's got some cushion in case he rolls out! 

I forgot to mention earlier that he LOVES playing with his animals! He can say elephant, turtle and rhino and can find all the animals when you say their name. (giraffe, gorilla, bear, lion) 

He also loves his new safari truck!

He does a pretty good job playing by himself. He likes to line up all his little toys on his table and just plays with them for a pretty long time!


He likes listening to people talk to him on the phone! He doesn't really talk back though! Just listens.

He does not like wearing sunglasses or hat, but I finally got a picture of him in his sunglasses (and even with a smile!)

He loves cookies, cupcakes and ice cream! (In moderation, of course!)

And now for lots of videos!

In this one he is listening to a book that he got from Hannah and Tyson. It is one of those recordable storybooks. He loves the end where they say, "we love you, Cohen!" He loves looking at pictures of all his cousins and I'm sure he misses them! We work on saying all of their names and pointing to their pictures, but the only name he can really say is Hannah. The others are too hard for him! And when we say Derrick's name he points to Kenzie and he gets Keaton and Caysen mixed up and mixes up Alexa and Hannah and Tyson and well, we are still working on it!

Here he is saying, "happy birthday!"

A video of him after he just learned the Toy Story characters

This little guy goes lookin' for trouble! LOVE his giggle!

This one is for his cousin, Alexa! ;) Eating ketchup!

He still loves to run down the hallway of our apartment and yell!

Cohen loves to look at book and here he is reading you a story! ;)

So we called my Dad on Father's day and Cohen said, "Hi Grandpa!" perfectly. Then he hung up on my dad. I went to the other room for a second came back and Cohen had called my Dad back and was laying on the floor just listening to my dad talk to him. Haha. Then we tried to get him to talk to him again and this is the video. He never really says things when you want him to...of course, but it is still kind of a cute video.

And last but not least Cohen saying that he'll be right back.  I didn't do a very good job getting it on camera but it was the first time I actually got it on camera! He says it all the time, but so randomly I never can catch it!

And that is my 18 month old in a nutshell!


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