Sunday, November 9, 2014

Kempton: 22 Months

Kemp is 22 Months! Here's an update!

He wears 18-24 month pants mostly. He still wears 2 pairs of 12 month pants and some 18 month pants are just way too big on him. Eventually, they will  fit in the waist but probably be too short.

He wears 24month/2t shirts

Kemp likes to eat clementines, pancakes and spoonfuls of peanut butter! The other day he was pointing to the cupboard and yelling "butter!" I didn't know what he was talking about until he opened the door to grab a spoon. I realized he wanted a spoonful of peanut butter..

He does really well at stringing words together like "bye bye Mommy" or "thank you daddy"

The other day we were talking on FaceTime with my brother and his family. When Kempton saw my nephew, Tyson, he yelled "Tysie!" Besides Dan, Cohen and me, I think that is the first person he has really recognized.

He still loves puppies.

He sits down on the potty every time before he takes a bath. The other night he actually went potty. It was more of a right time, right place kind of thing but it was still exciting.

Kemp does everything Cohen does (the good stuff and not so good stuff)

He has very little to no patience

He likes to play with the marble set we have, trains, and every thing that his brother is trying to play with.

He likes to watch Mickey, Sheriff Callie, and Chuggington. Him and Cohen just started watching Paw Patrol, and they love it.

He went to his 2nd movie today (Big Hero 6). His first movie was Frozen about a year ago. Anyway, I asked him on the way home if he liked the movie and he said, "no!" It's probably because he fell asleep! And it wasn't even his nap time! HAHA! For the record, Dan, Cohen and I really enjoyed the movie!

We took the rail off his crib yesterday so he could have a big boy bed. He slept for his nap fine, however, bed time was a different story! He was rolling around, falling out and just crying all night! By 1 am I had enough and put the railing back on! I guess he isn't quite ready for it, but that's ok with us. 

He LOVES to color!! And apparently take the covers off all the markers and line them up...

 I guess he thought it would be fun to color on his hand... but he is usually really good about only coloring on paper.

Kemp loves his hat! And still can't figure out how to wear sunglsses...

We took Cohen's friend, Taylor, to Build a Bear Workshop for her birthday present to make a Ninja Turtle. Kempton came with too and picked out something to make! He loved it and loves his new Ninja Turtle!

Actually, Kempton gets to do a lot of different things with his brother. Here he is at Taylor's birthday party at Pump it Up...

Kempton and Tristan..I just love when Kemp wears hats! So stinkin' cute!

Testing the cars at Toys R Us

We left Kempton's hat in MN. My mom sent it back to us and when we opened the box Kemp put that hat right on his head and wore it most of the night!

Eating his spoonful of peanut butter :)

 Kemp likes to hang out with me while I do my makeup. He'll grab a brush and say, "cheeks!"
 Trying on Daddy's glasses...

 Using the chalk board at the former Caribou Coffee that now turned into a Zu Coffee.

 Right after he went potty 

 Practicing his colors! He loves playing this game that Great Aunt Brigitte gave them, though he is still learning some concepts of how to play!

 Kemp trying on some silly glasses from a goody bag Cohen got at daycare. 

 Popcorn  at the movie theater!

Playing trains with his hat on, of course

And I just love these pictures of Kemp and Cohen. Even though they fight some times and are a bit crazy, they sure do love each other. Cohen often calls Kemp "his baby" and surely thinks he is a pretty cool kid (most of the time) :)

Although, Kemp copies everything Cohen does, I am glad that he didn't pick up Cohen's basketball skills...see below....  ;)

His favorite word...?

I  love to see him grow and learn so many new things, but I wish time would slow down just a bit. I can't believe in just 2 months he will be 2! 


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