We finally got Cohen his new bed last Sunday. Bed time is often a struggle because he just doesn't want to go to bed. I really didn't know that this started so early...he starts asking for things when we are putting him to bed..milk, cookie, elephant, horse, truck, any other toy, etc. Nice try kiddo. He does always go to bed with a random toy. Tonight it was a toy horse and his dump truck. Anyway, he seems to be doing pretty well in his bed so far!
Right after we got his bed put together....
Comforter on...Cohen was so excited and crazy!
Finally asleep on the first night in the bed.
So the first morning (at like 5am!) he woke up whimpering "Mommy" so I ran in there. I was so nervous that he would be looking for us and not be able to find us. Anyway, he wasn't in his bed. Wasn't on the floor in front of his bed...so I ran into the hallway to look for him when I heard "mommy" come from his room. I ran in there to find him on the other side of his bed on the floor. :) The next morning he got up at like 4 am and I heard him crying a bit in his room so I was walking out of our room just in time to see him running down the hallway dragging his blankie. :) I then just threw him in our bed with his so I could go back to sleep. Probably not the best idea, but I was tired! One morning he woke up at 2am and wanted some milk. So I take him to the fridge and hand him his milk cup. Then he says, "grapes?" What, no! It's 2am you are not having grapes! haha. "truck?" "play?" haha. He went right back to sleep shortly after. This morning it is 7:15 and he is still sleeping in his bed. :)
Here are a couple pictures of him playing with all the new animals I bought him. Don't let me go to toys-r-us by myself!
He lined them all up by himself
And just a couple more pictures of my little guy.