Thursday, October 24, 2013

Kempton: 9.5 months

Kempton is 9 and a half months!

We just had his 9 month check up on the 14th and he seems to be right on track. 

Height 28.5 inches (50th percentile)
Weight 19lbs 2 oz (40th Percentile)

Teeth: two bottom and the two top are poking through (finally!)

He is better at eating and likes toast, ravioli, green beans, peas and carrots. He still does ok eating baby food, but prefers to pick things up and feed himself.

He usually goes to bed around 8-8:30 and sleeps until 6-6:30. Lately he has been taking  one 40 minutes to an hour long nap at day care, but he will usually take a couple at home with us. He just doesn't sleep very well there, but he always seems to be in good spirits when we pick him up!

He can stand up on his own and loves to cruise or walk along furniture.

Kemp still wakes up happy, even when we have to wake him up.

He loves bath time, but is not of fan of getting dressed after the bath.

Kempton absolutely loves his brother. Cohen can always make him laugh and smile. Kemp is still taking Cohen's toys and bothering him, but that's what little bros do, right? :)

He rarely cries and usually has a good reason if he does.

Kemp is still calm, happy, go with the flow baby.

He loves to clap and usually does whenever he hears a song

Kemp has the sweetest laugh! We LOVE hearing it! 

With our recent LONG vacation most of our pictures are from there so here are a some...

Swimming in Vegas

Kempton loves cruising around in the stroller and looking at everything!

Kempton loved the characters at Disneyland. He loved touching them and just watching them

Kempton love the little wading pool at our hotel in California

Always up for a good game of peek-a-boo

Hugs for Flik :)
Hanging out with mom, waiting for Cohen and Dad to get off a ride. Kemp was such a trooper!

Love this picture! He looks so grown up!

We did a couple character breakfasts while at Disneyland and Kempton loved when the character came to visit our table

Sweet buddy!

And a few pictures of the boys wrestling!

Got him!

 And a few videos!

Kempton and Cohen with Chip at a restaurant at Disneyland

And a video of the boys playing the other night. LOVE LOVE LOVE Kempton's laugh (and  yes, Cohen is crazy!)


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