Saturday, July 19, 2014

Cohen: 3.5 years old!

I feel as though I have been neglecting my first born! Not in real life, but on the blog! :)

I just want to share some things about Cohen so we don't forget! Be prepared for lots of pictures and videos in an unorganized jumbled fashion. Sorry!

Favorites (his responses):

Color: Red
Food: Eggs and Sausage. And chicken nuggets too!
Treat: Chocolate
Shirt: Ninja Turtles or his Bryce Harper Nationals shirt
Sports Team:Nationals (Especially Bryce Harper)
Thing to do: Play Turtles
TV Show:Ninja Turtles
Movie: Buzz and Woody (Toy Story)
Place to visit: The mall (really?)
Place to fly to on an airplane: Disney World
When I grow up, I want to be: spiderman
Drink: Milk
Favorite song: Ninja Turtles
Book: Ninja Turtles ( I think he was on a roll)
Best Friend: Taylor and Tristan
Number: 3
Who do you want to meet at Disney World: Anna and Elsa

Cohen loves baseball! His favorite team is the Nationals, but followed closely by the Dodgers and the Twins. Cohen wants to play baseball all the time. He loves playing catch and hitting the ball and running. He always pretends to be someone from the MLB and assigns us as someone else. The players he usually chooses are: Bryce Harper (Nationals), Joe Mauer (Twins), Clayton Kershaw (Dodgers) and Matt Kemp (Dodgers). So if he is Joe Mauer and you call him Cohen... you in trouble! It actually drives me crazy! He commits to being the player and I keep forgetting and calling him Cohen, then he instantly responds.."No, I'm Joe Mauer" It's also funny because he expects Kempton to respond when Cohen calls him the player name. I tried to explain that Kempton doesn't yet understand!

Cohen loves superheroes (Spiderman, Ironman, Hulk, and Captain America)

Cohen, of course, loves all things Disney! :)

We are still working on letters and numbers and learning new things.

He is afraid of bugs

He likes to play video games. His favorites are Toy Story 3 and Disney Infinitiy. Both on Playstation 3.

He does well at daycare, but still sometimes has a hard time getting dropped off in the mornings. He has a lot of friends there who all seem to love him!

Cohen loves the zoo! He loves lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, feeding the giraffe, wolves, okapi and zebras

He likes to pretend to be a puppy.  He tends to listen a little better as a puppy ;)

He loves baseball games!

Cohen enjoys the beach, playing in the sand and going to the pool

Cohen loves playing at parks and is non-stop there! He climbs on everything and is constantly on the go

Here he is playing video games...this picture cracks me up!

He is deeply admired by his little brother. Kempton does EVERYTHING Cohen does and wants to be just like him. Cohen is a great big brother and helps Kemp out and is patient with him. He can make Kempton laugh all the time.

Cohen's school pictures this year...

He likes being a Power Ranger...

...and a Ninja Turtle...

....and superheros and Avengers.

He has a lot of energy!! (but always asks Mommy to carry him!)

Cohen often talks about Minnesota and his family there...
Cousin Caysen

Cousin Tyson
Great Aunty Joyce
Uncle Jeff
Cousin Hannah

He was so much more comfortable with everyone on our latest trip in April

Cousin Keaton
Uncle Doug

 Cousin Alexa

I love his genuine smiles or funny faces and all of those! (more later)

He is starting to like rides more!

He is over 40 inches so it now opens up a lot of new rides for him at Disney World! :)

Cohen and his Uncle Tom :)

LOVE these pictures of him and his Grand Grandma J. He is so happy and looks so grown up. It's so refreshing when pictures aren't a struggle!

 Talkin' Baseball with GG

 Hangin' with Grandpa

Cohen met the Ninja Turtles. While he is obsessed with them, he was a bit nervous to meet them!

Although his brother can be a bit bothersome at times, Cohen is so kind to him most of the time. ;) He still helps him get a slice of cheese :)

"Mom, take my picture"

He can be a big helper in the airport!

My niece, Hannah, sent me this picture. I couldn't stop laughing. Haha!

Playing with his Harper baseball player
Getting ready to play baseball..
...ok that's a little better!

First trip to the dentist a few months ago. He did awesome!

He once let go at the top of this and fell to the bottom because he saw a bug!

He still likes mail trucks...

He is loud, energetic and full of life! He can also be a sweet, shy cuddlebug

Cohen still loves his blanket and naps and bedtime!


Quotes by Cohen...

He asked an older lady at a restaurant "why are you old?"
Her response, "...Because I didn't die." I did apologize to her!

Cohen: "What's your name?"
Cashier at Target: Sam
Cohen: "Sam I am! hahahahahha."

Cohen: "What's your name?"
Pharmacist at target: "Tiffany"
Cohen: "That's a silly name! What's your last name?"
(Yes, he LOVES to ask people their name. All. The.Time! I told him now not to laugh, but rather to say, "Nice to meet you.")

At the pharmacy he loudly says, "Mom, are you getting medicine for your butt?" (UH NO! FYI I have never used that. I think he was referring to the medicine we put on Kemp's butt which is diaper rash cream!)

Cohen: "Let's go to a restaurant
Me: Which one?
Cohen: "Grumps. "Do you like Grumps?"
Me: "yes"
Cohen: "no you don't"
 Me: (confused silence)

He's been asking a lot about Heaven lately. Here are some of his questions:
When we go to heaven will our shoes fall through the clouds?
Will Taylor be there with me?
What do we do there?

In Disneyland last October he said, "My mouth hurts... I NEED cotton candy!"

Buzz Lightyear says, "I come in peace" Instead, Cohen says, "I come in beast"

There are so many funny things that he says. I just can't think of many now!

Here are some Videos:

Why you don't play baseball in the house. You can hear him saying,  "I'm Joe Mauer"

Not sure what the foot stomping is all about...

He loves to try to trick people! Sometimes it is hiding and sometimes he will say he threw something in the trash when he really didn't (like in this video). He always busts out laughing! Today he was whining and saying that he couldn't hear the game he was playing on my phone, then busts out laughing because he was covering up the speaker.

Dancin' at the 4th of July parade in Annapolis. Who do you think he gets his dance moves from?!

Cohen did this once and then I asked Cohen to do it again knowing that Kemp would imitate!

Cohen feeding a giraffe at the zoo

A little ABCs for ya....

"You want me to sing Power Rangers song or Ninja Turtles song?"

Singing "Let it Go" from Frozen

And a good effort of "Take me out to the Ballgame"

And a little more dancin.. :)

Cohen is an amazing, incredible boy! He is funny, kind and just a pretty cool kid.

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