Monday, October 10, 2011

Stretchy Cap!

Today we ventured to the University of Maryland to participate in an Infant Action Understanding Study. Cohen did an amazing job there. Basically he sat on Dan's lap, watched someone grab a toy and then he was suppose to grab the toy with the lights on and then with the lights off. He wore a "stretchy cap" that measures brain activity. He didn't cry or fuss when the cap was put on. He was just a little confused. I sat in the other room and watched him on a monitor. They had night vision cameras so I could see when he tried reaching for the toy with the lights off. He made it through the entire study with very little fussing. The people doing the study were very impressed. It was long, and I wasn't sure it was ever going to end! :)

After the study we walked around the University of Maryland campus a bit. We had a snack in the student union and looked at the football field. That's about it!

Cohen was given a toy for participating. It's a bath toy, but he enjoyed it more out of the bath rather than in the bath. He was a little scared of it. Oh well! Dan and I got $ for me! We just wanted to see him in the stretchy cap! :)


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