Thursday, March 22, 2012

15 Months

15 Months! 


Each month I can't even remember what I wrote for the last month so I'm sorry if I mention things again. I just write down anything that I can think of at this moment. Since I am terrible at keeping his baby book updated..I will use this to fill things in his book someday. :) Cohen has his doctor's appointment tomorrow so we'll get his stats then, and I will update this. But here's some stuff for now.

Height: 32 1/2 inches (90th Percentile)

Weight: 23.2 lbs (60th Percentile)

Clothes: 18 Month Shirts, 12 Month Pants (18 month bottoms are still big for him.)

Shoe Size: 5 or 6

Diaper Size: 4

With the time change he has been going to bed closer to 8pm and generally sleeping until 6:30 or 7.

At daycare he has moved over to the toddler room! My baby sleeps on a cot instead of a crib! He usually naps from 12-2.

His favorite foods are: bananas, peas, carrots, green beans, ravioli, nutter butters, toast, grilled cheese, pancakes, yogurt, and of course cupcakes!

Cohen can say: Ball, Baby, Car, Puppy, Mama, Dada, apple, open (which sounds like apple!),  Elmo, Ainsley (his friend at daycare), banana

He can say his daycare teacher's name Margaret! We were leaving daycare today and he saw I picture of her and kept saying his version of Margaret and pointing at the picture. 

He can point to and say- Car, ball, puppy, Elmo, Dada, apple, banana

He still calls me dada, but will occasionally call me mama!

Tries to repeat most anything we say.

He loves turning off the lights

As of lately, he is fine riding in the car, but hates when we put him in the SCREAMS when we try to put him in his carseat! Hopefully he gets over that soon.

He loves to run, climb, jump on anything and everything. 

He loves being outside.

He likes to give hugs and kisses, but mostly prefers giving high-fives!

He loves piggyback rides from Mommy.
He still thinks you wear glasses around your neck. 

 He is doing better when we go out to eat... good that we put him at his own table! Just kidding!

 He loves riding his space vehicle.

 Cohen loves to go out on our patio, which makes us so nervous.
One of us is usually holding onto him or his shirt.

 He enjoys walks in the sun and likes to bring along a friend.

He is a goofball! (playing in his ball pit!)

He likes watching Elmo

He loves to explore...such a big boy!

 He holds hands when he walks outside (not by his choice!)

 He is doing so good at eating with a fork and spoon...

 ...but some times he realizes it is just easier to eat with your hands.

He is ready for vacation! This week Cohen has been obsessed with his little rolling backpack around. 

 He likes to walk around with it...

 ..and likes to lift the handle up and down or as he says "open" it OR mostly he gets mad because he can't  get it open so mom has to do it.
 He loves to push the button for the elevator. Or as Cohen says, "butt" buddy! Button!! Haha. We'll work on that one.

 Dad helping him push the "butt" inside the elevator..being careful not to hit any other buttons!

 What I love about this age is that we can genuinely laugh with Cohen. This kid is funny! Such a cute picture of Daddy and Cohen!

 He loves sitting on the old printer and looking out the window.

 Rediscovering old baby toys..

 He is getting so good at using a spoon to eat his yogurt, and usually won't let us help him. 

 He enjoys listening to people talk to him on the phone. He will never say anything back though! He is talking listening to Grandma Lien in this picture...he looks bored. Just kidding, but he does looks like such a goober.

He still loves looking at books!

And a  couple videos from yesterday...

Playing peek-a-boo

Blowing bubbles in the bathtub. He refuses to blow bubbles at swimming lessons, but always does it in the bathtub! Little Stinker! 

Chattin' (doesn't really care when I saw Grandma or Grandpa, but boy did he pay attention when I said "Ainsley", who is his friend at daycare. I think someone has a crush! ;)

And this one isn't all that exciting, but something I want to remember. It is just him using a spoon to eat his yogurt, which he loves. 

 There is so much that he does that I forget to put on here, but I try! He is seriously an awesome little boy.


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