23 Months. Almost 2 years old!! So thankful for this sweet and always entertaining little boy!
Cohen is very talkative! I'm constantly amazed at the things he picks up and what he says!
Some of his favorite sayings are:
"I'm comin' Mommy" "I comin' Daddy!"
"Careful, Cohen" He will set animals on the edge of the coffee table and say "Careful, giraffe"
"Be right back [insert object or person]."
He can recognize the "Jordan" logo and likes to wear his "Jordan hat"
He likes Princesses and will often call any little girl a princess. Isn't that the sweetest?!
He is learning his colors. When you ask him what color something is he always says a color word even though he may not get it right all the time. The other morning he pointed at a blue car and said, "blue car." His favorite colors to say are red, blue and green.
He loves trying to get himself dressed and often won't let us help.
Yesterday he saw a little blonde hair boy and pointed at him and said, "Cohen." I explained that it wasn't him...haha, then he said "Caysen?" :)
Sometimes when we are in his way he will say, "excuse me" other times it's, "move!" Haha.
He gives the best hugs!
He is obsessed with the Disney movie "Brave" right now. We just got it last week and he asks to watch it daily, sometimes twice a day. He is so good at talking about the movie. He knows most of the characters and knows what parts are coming up.
Last weekend we watched, "Beauty and the Beast." for 20 minutes after the movie he was asking "where beast go" and "what happened beast?" It was a tough concept to try to explain to him!
He likes any Disney movie or Disney toys...we may have influenced that one! Anyway, he still loves Lion King, The Incredibles, Monster's Inc, and Toy Story.
He still enjoys Thomas and Sesame street, but not as much as before.
He still loves the Disney show, Gaspard and Lisa and will yell, "misa" when it comes on!
Some of his favorite things to eat are oatmeal, french toast, pancakes, hashbrowns, fruit, especially grapes, orange chicken with rice, cookies and milk! He often requests these items.
He likes playing with his animals and other little figurines. He likes to sit down and just play with things, but doesn't really have a lot of things like that. He has a lot of little figurines but not a structure to play with them on. If that makes sense?
He likes to color and will tell us what he is drawing, which is usually bubble, airplane or a bear.
He likes stickers, but will never put them on himself. He always has to put them on Mom or Dad.
He loves helping and is really proud when he helps us do something.
He loves going to the park and the zoo.
I caught him giving Woody a kiss
He likes to stack things
Just being goofy..
Putting on his shirt
He loves stacking his animals too. He calls it "shoulder rides" and is so proud every time he does it. "I did it, Mommy!" "I did it, Daddy!"
Coloring with his crayons.
Getting ready to go. He put on his hat and is working on getting on his jacket.
And trying very had to get his shoes on!
Got them on! Wrong foot, tongue tucked in, but he did it nonetheless!
Helping Daddy get his shoes on
Put his hat on all by himself :)
Yes, I may be the creepy mom that takes a picture of her kid while sitting in the car at daycare. Haha. I pulled up and he was riding a bike. It was too cute, and I had never seen him do it before!
Cohen loves looking at himself on my phone and taking silly pictures
Kiddo still loves his blankie
Sleepy little peanut!
Helping Daddy bake cookies!
Eating McDonald's with daddy. (we got so much food because we had won free stuff with our monopoly pieces and it was the last day to use them!)
This was the first time Cohen actually ate chicken nuggets like a big boy. We usually never get him a kids meal because he won't eat it. We usually just share with him.
Cohen lined up all his animals to watch a Lion King on my kindle
Movie time with Daddy!
We talked to Brian, Kelli, Derrick and Caysen on Skype the other day. Cohen kept copying everything Caysen was doing. It was so cute and funny. In this picture he is showing his muscles like Caysen was. :)
Sitting on Daddy, watching a movie
Helping Mom in the kitchen
Coloring with some markers
Cohen's "bear"
Cohen's "airplane"
Now for some videos....
Here some of the things he is saying in this video: "Reach Bob" (Bob from the Incredibles)
"Careful Sulley!" "Careful Cars"
Showing his belly to Caysen via Skype! :)
Here he is lining up all his animals. "Careful Rhino, Careful Cheetah, Careful Incredibles, Careful Pumba, Careful Nala, Careful Simba"
Here he is watching, "Brave". He is saying, "No, Mor'du" except he says it like Mor-da-du. :) They were two bears fighting, but he is saying, "no wrestling" Quite concerned, isn't he?
Cohen likes combing my hair and putting clips in it. Dan is proud! ;)
Anyway, I think he is yelling at me in these two videos about what kind of shampoo I am using...not too sure though! ;)
And the little singing buddy is back.... we should probably get this kid a real microphone so he doesn't have to use this toy