Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mr. Teapot (and His Sidekick)

I can't believe how quickly the boys are growing up. Cohen got a new hair cut and it just makes him look so grown up! Dan took him to get his haircut and afterward they stopped and ate ice cream together. With all that sugar Cohen was crazy so I took a couple videos...

In case you can't understand him he is saying part of the "I'm a little teapot" song. He's saying "Here's my handle, here's my spout, pour me out!" He kept doing it over and over. Dan and I did it with him for a few times, which he thought was hilarious!

 Such a character!!

But don't forget about this guy... (someday they'll be crazy together!) But for now
Someone looks like they are thinking about crawling soon! Remember how I said he loves his jumper? We'll he isn't a big fan of it anymore and I think it is because he can't move around in it.  Kempton is constantly trying to grab toys that are just out of his reach and he'll absolutely find a way to get them!

Love these two so much. They sure are keeping us on our toes!


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