Saturday, July 6, 2013

Kempton- 6 Months

Mr. Kempton Elias turned 6 months old a couple days ago! A whole half of a year! We had his check-up last Wednesday. Here are his stats...

Height: 26 1/2 inches (50th Percentile)
Weight: 16 lbs 2 oz (25th Percentile)

We were happy that he had gotten up to the 25th percentile for his weight! Hopefully now that he's starting to eat solids he'll gain a little more!

He wears 3 month, 3-6 month, 6 month, 6-9 month and some 9 month clothes.

Kemp wears size 3 Pampers diapers

We usually call him Kempton, Kemp or Kempy

He usually take 2-3 naps during the day, usually between 30 minutes to an hour. He goes to bed around 8 or 8:30. If he sleeps through the night, which is more often now, he'll usually wake up around 5:30 or 6.  If he gets up in the middle of the night to eat he'll usually sleep in until about 6:30 or 7.

We are still working on feeding him rice cereal. He still isn't too sure about this whole spoon thing!

Kempton got 2 teeth this month! He got the 2 bottom middle ones in.

He is starting to babble.

He loves the bath and swimming at the pool

He is still LOVING his big brother and I think the feeling is mutual.

Kempton is still pretty easy going but I think that will be fading soon!

He loves to play with his jumper and sit on the floor and play with toys.

He likes to grab everything near him and screams if you take something away from him!

He will often take Cohen's toys away from Cohen. Cohen is so sweet that he won't take them back from Kemp. Cohen will just say, "Kempton! Ugh!"

Loving his new blanket!

First time trying cereal

Not a fan, but he's getting better!

:) His cheeks get really red and dry so we have to put some ointment on them. They don't seem to bother him, but hopefully it gets better 

Green beans!

We moved Kempton's crib out of our room and into Cohen's room. Cohen had to have right next to his bed (so sweet)!  But before I finished setting it back up it became a cage for my two animals! ;)

Cohen kept giving Kempton more and more toys!

One of Kempton's favorite thing to do is play with this rainforest toy. It's so fun to have Cohen's toys for Kempton to play with as we would have never bought this for Kempton at his age.

Haha...Cohen and Kempton were playing baseball! (Cohen picked out his own outfit)

Such a good sport!

Love walking into the room and seeing this face!

The boys in their room together!

My little elephant!

Really mom?

And the wrestling with Daddy begins

<3 br="">

Playing together :) Cohen has his swim stuff on for water day at daycare by the way

And some videos for you!

I just love when this guy wakes up!

Splashing in the bath

Giggling with Cohen!
He just loves his big brother!!

We absolutely love watching him grow and change. I'm sure there will be many changes in the upcoming month!


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