Wednesday, February 22, 2012

14 Months

14 Months!!!

Height: Not sure until we go back to the doctor next month

Weight 23.4 lbs

Diapers: Size 4

Clothes: Shirts: 12-18 months and Pants: 12 months. Most 18 month pants are huge on him, but some 12 month pants are short. I'm hoping he grows into this stuff before it gets too warm out..or maybe it will fit him in the fall?

He can say the following words: ball, mom, Daddy, puppy, baby, no, more, all done, bath

He repeats or tries to repeat a lot of what we say. Some that I can think of right now are: car, cookie, nice, and ready, set, go! (he mumbles the "ready" and the "set" and then yells "GO!")

He can do the sign language for "More", "milk" and "please"

Says "hi" and waves (to random people)

Say "bye bye" and waves when we all get our coats on!

Takes directions very well like "put it in the trash", "sit down"....etc

He usually goes to bed between 7:15 - 7:45 and wakes up between 5:15 - 6:30. This weekend he got up at 5:15 and just cuddled with me on the couch and watched cartoons. So sweet!

Gives kisses

Loves to dance

He is kind of picky about eating, sometimes not eating his favorites, but generally he loves spaghetti, ravioli, pancakes, bananas, and peas

No more bottles!

He has another tooth pushing through which will make 13 teeth!

He always has one of his blankets with him in the car. When we are riding and the car and we stop and turn off the car, he will throw his blanket off of him and wait for us to come get him.

Often when I sit on the floor he will push me over and trying jumping on me, to which Dan yells, "GET HER!" Aren't you suppose to be wresting with him?? Haha!

He can point to his nose, when we ask him where his nose is. He can point to mom and dad's too. 

He loves playing in the refrigerator and in the cupboards...taking things out and putting them back (sometimes puts things back!)

He still likes to help with laundry. 

He does pretty well playing with his toys on his own and looking at books by himself. 

Dad says no to a hair cut, but it's getting pretty long and really crazy when he wakes up....

Yes, that is all natural! :)

Here are a couple more recent pictures...more to come some other day!

 Watching  cartoons at Gymboree

 Loves balloons and pretends everything is a chair

 Thanks to Jeff, Mandy, Hannah, and Tyson for Cohen's new shirt! 

 Take out all of the cans and put your toys in...of course, right?

 It's a little blurry, but makes me laugh

 Look at him standing in the pool!

 He just looks so grown up...

And a short video....

Melts your heart...doesn't it!?!? :)


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