Monday, August 22, 2011

8 Months

8 months!!!! Again, wow. I feel like I just did his 7 month post, but here we are again.  Sometimes I can't believe I get to be this amazing boy's mom. He is continuing to learn so many new things, and he is just the greatest little boy anyone could ask for. 

Here are some random thoughts about Cohen......

He crawls everywhere and sometimes he does it on turbo speed. (Video to come!)

He pulls himself up easily and lowers himself  gently. 

We started giving him finger food. Mostly just Gerber puffs.

Recently, he has tried an ice cream cone and crab meat, and he liked both. :)

He has 6 teeth. 4 on top and 2 on the bottom.

He started saying the Mama sound! (on August 18) It just melts my heart.

He usually makes the ma-ma sound when he is not so happy, and da-da when he is happy. (It has nothing to do with him liking Dan more than me! They are just sounds!!)

He loves when we chase him, which is often. 

His nickname at daycare is CoCo

He usually goes to bed around 8 and sleeps until 5:30 or 6. Then he may go back to sleep. Sometimes he'll stay up for a bit before going back to bed. 

He loves crawling on I'm some sort of jungle gym. 

He bit Dan once... :(

He still likes when we blow dry his hair.

He loves being outside and going for walks. 

He can take a few steps with his Buzz Lightyear Space Vehicle (Video to come!)

That's all I can think of for now!

I loved when he wore his little shoes. Too bad he took them off before we even made it out the door. Stinker. :)

 First refrigerator experience. Smart Kid. :)

 Ice cream cone!

 Eating Peas. He didn't spit them out this time!

How can you not fall in love with this little sweetie pie!?!?


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