Friday, November 4, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Cohen started swimming lessons last week. His lessons are on Saturday morning at the gym I go to.  It is nice because they do the lessons in the Therapy pool, which is pretty warm. His class is ages 8-24 or 35 months. I can't quite remember, but he was one of the youngest in the class. In his first class they practiced kicking, swimming for a toy, sang songs, practiced getting in and out of the pool and learned to blow bubbles in the water. It was all dads and their sons in the pool, until a woman came in late with her son.  All boys! Crazy. He did such a good job, and we are excited to take him again tomorrow! 

Waiting for his cue to get into the pool....3...2...1...


Swimming to the toy!

Hi Mom!

He wasn't a fan of laying on his back and kicking.

All done..time to get out!


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