Sunday, April 22, 2012

16 Months

Cohen is16 Months old and it's Earth Day! Happy Earth day everyone! :)

Anyway, here's an update on the little man!

Clothes: 18-24 Month Shirts, 12 - 18 Month Pants
Shoe Size: 6

Diaper Size: 4

He goes to bet around 8pm and generally sleeping until 6:30 or 7. On the weekends he almost always wakes up at 7
At daycare he usually naps from 12-2:30. At home, we are usually running around on weekends, so he just falls asleep in the car.
He is so weird about food. He'll love it one day and won't touch it a couple days later. He seems to like to try mom and dad's food when we eat it in the living room, but then if we make him the same thing and give it to him in his highchair he won't try it! This has happened with hot ham and cheese, PB &J and today I had teriyaki chicken and rice. He ate the chicken and rice off my plate, but when I put it on his own plate, it just wasn't as good! Stinker! At least he ate some though!
He repeats most anything we say or anyone else says! More videos to come on that at the end of this!

He loves to run, climb, jump on anything and everything.
He still loves Elmo and asks to watch it. He also likes Gaspard and Lisa on the Disney channel and I think that is really all. He sometimes likes to dance to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
He will say sorry and give hugs when prompted. 
He's really into giving kisses, which I love! Although, today he burped and then tried to kiss me! What in the world, kid! Haha.

Speaking of gas...he will toot and then just smirk. It's like he's trying to hold in his laughter. Too funny.
He is a really smart kiddo and a whole lot of fun. He constantly surprises us and makes us laugh.

 He is good at doing the Downward Dog Yoga pose!

 He is obsessed with looking at this picture! Ha! I don't think that he recognizes himself, but will say "bunny" when he sees the picture.

He loves watching sports with Daddy!

He loves playing video games...just kidding. We were actually watching a dvd and he kept hitting the buttons and messing it up!

We were leaving one day and he grabbed his hat and put it on his head. I was surprised that he made the connection, especially since he hadn't worn it in awhile, and also surprised that he could get it on his head.

Dan I will put Cohen down for bedtime together, but Cohen will usually try to fight it so then Dan takes over. Him and Cohen have some sort of routine they do and it works. This picture below is often part of the routine. Cohen will go over to the side of the crib, turn his back to Dan, cross his arms and pout! It is just the cutest thing!

Sometimes trips to the store can be not-so-fun. Cohen is a toddler who knows what he wants and doesn't want. If we try to take something away from him he will scream...wonderful.  He is also a runner. He's often a good listener, but when he has room to run he will take off. And then when we catch up and pick him up he will kick and scream...wonderful again. He isn't like this all the time, but he does happen. So last time we went to Target we found this shopping cart. Cohen pushed it ALL over the store! He listened so well and followed right behind Mom and Dad. It was soooo nice!

And of course, he had a minor meltdown when we had to put it back in the toy section. Now if we could only find a mini shopping cart at every store we went to!

Cohen loves playing at the park and being able to RUN! And he also LOVES being outside. Sometimes when we are walking into our apartment after work he will kick and squirm  because he doesn't want to go inside. Hopefully he'll also love spending our weekends at the pool, because that is usually what we do in the summer!

And he does a lot better eating out at restaurants when we can sit outside.

He likes playing with a lot of his toys but recently particularly enjoys two of his toys. The first is his racing ramp.  He loves driving his cars around it and really loves playing with his daddy. Cohen does really well sharing the cars with his dad, too!

The other toy he really enjoys right now is his little rain forest play area. He loves putting the animals down the slide and making them run all over it. He does well playing by himself and with Mom or Dad.

Rockin' his new spring coat!

Cohen loves to stand and run on the couch, which we try not to let him do!

He loves pushing and pulling anything with wheels. He also likes stepping up on anything (particularly sidewalk curbs). As you can see he is doing both in this picture below.

He would just do laps around our apartment pulling/pushing his corn popper and walkin' up on the Wii Fit.

Looking cool in his shades....

...that he still can't quite get on by himself. I think he might know that they go on his eyes, but just can't do it.

No worries... he can wear them like this.. :)


He learned how to correctly "talk" on a phone. He finally holds it the right way (up to his ear and not behind his head). He'll say "hello" when he puts it up to his ear. Today, I was asking Cohen to help me look for my phone. When I said "phone" he put his hand up to his ear and said, "hello"

He still loves giving high fives and has learned to give fist pounds or "knuckles".

He loves cleaning with his paper towel and spray bottle. And still likes helping with laundry. He was helping daddy the other day with laundry when Dan noticed Cohen had put one of his shoes in the washer. Dan took it out and then we he went to put the stuff in the dryer, he noticed the other shoe in the washer. Apparently Cohen had put both shoes in the washer. Nice.

We were just taking out the trash but he wanted to put on his hat...pick your battles, right?

Goober! By the way, this outfit is size 12 months and still fits him. We'll probably pack away the shirt soon, but the shorts will still last a little while.

And his first bubble bath! We bought Cohen bubbles to blow outside, which we did on Saturday. After that he's been saying "bubbles" all the time. So we bought him some bubbles for the bath tub and he loved it!

And now for some videos!

Giggling with Mommy!

We were at the store the other day and Cohen said "hi" to a random stranger. (Happens all the time!) Anyway, the man said "hi" back and then the man said "How are you?" To which Cohen said, "how are you?" Us and the guy were shocked, but the man still told Cohen that he was good! Haha... here he is saying his new phrase!

Some more chatting with a surprise ending! (Well it was a surprise to me anyway!)

I'm not sure what he is doing here...Dan thinks he was putting spells on us. :)

And here's a video from when we took out the trash. I was just letting him RUN around the hallways!

Well, that's all I can think of for now. More to come..Lakers game, Twins Game, Easter, Nationals Game, the zoo...the list goes on and on!


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