Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Egg Roll 2012

 Today we went to the Easter Egg Roll at the White House. This is a tradition that happens every year on the South Lawn of the White House. We signed up for the lottery and were happy that we were able to get tickets to go! Our time slot to go onto the lawn was 9:45-11:45. We got there about 9 to go through security and wait in line. 35,000 people were in attendance throughout the day, so I was a little worried about the craziness of things. However, everything was organized pretty well and went pretty smoothly. Surely if you can run a country I would hope that you can organize an Easter event, right?

 Mom and Cohen

 First stop was the music stage to see....ELMO!!!

Dad and Cohen

Elmo, Abby Cadabby and Gordon

Cohen loved seeing Elmo and wondered where he was when it was just Abby Cadabby and Gordon on the stage....

They sang a lot of songs! (This is just a video of the ending of the show!)

Cohen, Dad and the White House

The White House

He may have actually stopped running for this picture...kid was constantly on the move!


Future President??


Family picture!

The Obama Family

Rachel Crowe from the X Factor sang the national anthem

The First Lady

Hangin' with Dad  with the Washington Monument in the background

The First Dog, Bo

First Lady and Sasha

Mr. President

We got pretty you can tell!

Family picture in front of the White House

Visitin' with a tears!

Dinosaur from Dinosaur Train

Cody Simpson? Not sure who he is, but maybe my nieces know??

Perry the Platypus

There were so many thing to do at the event. Besides the actual Easter Egg Roll, there was arts and crafts, face painting, story time, an egg hunt, food demonstrations, music, yoga, and probably more that I can't remember right now (I'm surprised I'm still awake at this point!). We didn't get to do everything because there were lines and a lot to do! Oh yeah, and the activity area where the next few pictures came from. It was basically an obstacle course where he could run around and do the different activities. He really enjoyed it!

Running though the tunnel

Kicking the ball

Over the hurdles with help from mom and dad


And Under!

And through another tunnel!

Resting and eating a snack

Playing with a random boy...these two were up to trouble!

And then he finally fell asleep!

And slept for 3 hours!

A few of our souvenirs. My boss ordered a Keepsake wooden egg for Cohen, which was so awesome and then they ended giving one to every kid when we left. Pretty cool!

And this was our little list of things going on...

All and all it was a fun and very exhausting day, and we had a blast!!


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